12.11.2010 (375)
an der Orgel: Rhonda Edgington
Johann Sebastian Bach
1685 - 1750
Präludium und Fuge c-Moll (BWV 549)
Bernard Wayne Sanders
* 1957
Herr, zeig uns die Wege dein
Calvin Hampton
5 Dances: The Primitives
Margaret Vardell Sandresky
* 1921
Five Sacred Dances, Nr. 4: And his heart was moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the word are moved with the wind (Isaiah 7:2)
Margaret Vardell Sandresky
* 1921
Five Sacred Dances, Nr. 5: And David danced before the ark of the Lord (2 Samuel 6:4)
Johann Sebastian Bach
1685 - 1750
Präludium und Fuge G-Dur (BWV 550)